Ellindon Banqueting Suite Richard Sandbach Research Lodge |
The Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research No. 9600 Lectures from 1996 - 2005 (including Jack the Ripper & many more) Are now available in a book " The Lodge Papers" at a very reasonable price This is a First Limited Edition |
Richard Sandbach Research Lodge No. 9600 |
The R.W.Bro. Richard Sandbach OSM PPrGM Picture and sample lectures reproduced from the Lodge Papers, by the very kind permission of R.W. Bro. Richard Sandbach OSM PPrGM Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire |
What use is a Lodge of Research? It is a fair question.
For some the answer will be that it is always interesting to know
the 'How?' and 'Why?' But what is the value of such a Lodge to the
Craft - especially as there are other such Lodges whose members are
well-known and respected throughout the Masonic world and who researches
have covered so much ground? |
Samples of the Book The Lodge Papers Edited by Richard Cowley, MA, PPrGStwd
Prior to that, as we shall see, it had not shunned publicity, and on grand occasions a church parade in regalia was not unusual. Many of the clergy of all shades of the Christian faith were members. However, by the time the Craft was ready to return to its older, open attitude, theological studies had been influenced by new thinking and new methods. The Craft which had always received sympathy and support from most of the Christian churches, probably felt itself respectably free of any need to defend its tenets, particularly since these are based on high moral standards and the brotherhood of human beings of every creed or colour. But although regular Freemasonry is only open to men who believe in a Supreme creator, it does not, in any basic degrees, require that belief to be Christian. This later led to a clash with certain elements, so that some Christians were led into tl:lking a hostile view of its activities. The shock to the Craft of this attitude has probably been underestimated, but one immediate, if temporary, result has been a diffidence among some of the clergy about Masonic involvement. The reason for stating all this is not by way of defence of the Craft or attack on the theologians, but because the situation today as seen by the public, is thus very different from that of the Victorian and post-Victorian periods, and the links between Cathedral and Craft can therefore only be understood in the light of the historical context. I am glad to say that personal relations both at diocesan and cathedral level are in fact friendlyhere, as in many other dioceses; but my point is to stress that public antagonism between the Craft and the Church of England Synod (and I say Synod advisedly) is a relatively new phenomenon and the publicity attendant upon the recent past has been such that some may find any associapon of the Cathedral with the Craft surprising or even reprehensible. Obviously I believe such feelings to be misguided, but they exist and can militate against any stress on Masonic associations with the building. Nevertheless, such associations are part of the heritage and the social history of both church and city and so they may well be of interest to such a society as this. I have prepared my talk with that in mind, but I also understand that. the text, or a version of it, may reach a wider audience through the medium of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum which has a world wide circulation among Freemasons interested in masonic history -and it may even assist therefore in bringing visitors here. The whole building is of course an example of the masons' craft and has its share of 'masons" marks'; but this paper is concerned with speculative Freemasonry rather than the operative craft. With that introduction, let us start our tour, beginning of course at the West Front. As you enter there you will see a small door on your right. An inscription tells you that the former library to which it gives access was restored at the expense of W. T. Mellows, MBE, MA, ASA, and his wife, in memory of their son. Tony Mellows was serving with the S.A.S. during the Second World War when he was captured and brutally tortured before being murdered. Another memorial to him is in the window of Saint John's Parish Church commemorating the Ruddles family. W. T. Mellows was a solicitor, former Town Clerk, and a member of this Society of which he was greatly respected secretary for many years. He was also Past Master of Fitzwilliam Lodge, number 2553, the second senior Lodge in the city, and for a period, was its Secretary, being succeeded by J. W. Hall, whose pharmacy was just i to the right of the main. entry to the precincts. W.T. Mellows was well known as a scholar and spent many hours in the Cathedral Library where a number of old manuscripts -including a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - were stored, until Dean Wingfield-Digby transferred them for custody to the Cambridge University Library. Mellows was also Cathedral Treasurer and Chapter Clerk 1936 to 1946, and archivist 1946 to 1950, and may well be considered its historian. Had he lived a few days longer he would have received a Lambeth Doctorate. He held Provincial Honours in the Craft, as did his blood-brother Arthur, a Deputy, Lieutenant. Passing through the Porch into the special beauty of the Norman nave, you can see at once a brass plaque on the first column in the south. Inspection will reveal that it bears two Masonic devices, the square and compasses and the two interlaced triangles and sometimes known as the Seal, or Shield, of Solomon. The inscription commemorates Harry Plowman who was Dean's Verger for many years prior to his death in February 1900. He was well known and respected in Cathedral and Masonic circles and for many years was Tyler, or outer guard, for Saint Peter's Lodge, the oldest Masonic Lodge in the city and presented it with a kneeling stool on 12 May 1892, the woodwork of which he stated came from the '(sic) old-work' of the Cathedral, where the rebuilding of the Choir was in progress. After his death, Bishop Glynn presided at a meeting held to consider a memorial to him and expressed the wish that the Freemasons be invited to join with the Cat!hedral authorities 'instead of acting in the matter themsslves' awry acknowledgement of the stubborn independence of the Peterborians in those days. Harry Plowman lived at 3 Minster Precincts, and on his death was succeeded by his son as Dean's verger and as Tyler of the Lodges by his son, of the same name; we meet him again later. A Memorial to another Freemason is prominent towards
the east of the South Aisle, John Connor Magee, Lord Bishop of Peterborough
from 1868 to 1891. He was an Irishman by birth and well known for
his resounding oratory and practical content of his sermons. He was
consecrated Archbishop of York in 1891, but died before he could be
instituted. A copy of the published text of a sermon he preached at
a service in the Cathedral in connection with the meeting in the City
of the Provincial Grand Lodge on 19 May 1870 is in the Peterborough
Masonic Library. It is recorded that more than 5000 people attended
the service. The Provincial Grand Master, The Brethren, in full regalia and ranged under their respective banners' as the ritual describes it, were led to the Cathedral by the band of the 6th Volunteer Rifle Corps. The weather was fine and the route was well lined by spectators. The bells of Saint John's Church were rung as the procession passed. The London and North-Western Railway and Great Northern Railway ran special trains for the occasion. The mention of these railways reminds us that there was then a railway between Peterborough and Northampton, the Provincial Headquarters, and indeed until 1850, the direct line from Peterborough to London was via Northampton, a fact still commemorated by the inclusion of Peterborough on the list of places served from Euston on the columns at the entrance to that station.
THE JACK THE RIPPER MURDERS - by A paper read on Monday 17 January 2005 I'm not a Butcher Yours truly; Jack the RipperThat poem, reproduced verbatim, and which we would now call racially offensive, was contained in a letter, hichwas one of the thousands received by Scotland Yard during the series of murders of prostitutes in London's EastEnd in the Autumn of 1888. This was actually shown to be a hoax letter, and the poem it contained is given accepted into folk lore to describe this series of extremely horrible murders. The name Jack the Ripper was first used in a letter sent to the Central News Agency on 27 September 1888, almost a month after what appeared to be the first murder on 31 August, and just two weeks after the second murder on 8 September. This letter is now believed to be an invention of a reporter at the Central News Agency who sent the letter to himself to revive interest, which he thought was flagging. But be that as it may, the name Jack the Ripper even after all these years still has the power to provoke a tremendous flesh-creeping fascination in us all. Even today, nearly one hundred and twenty years later, books, articles and theories are still being written. But in 1977, the world of the 'Ripperologists' was taken aback by the publication of one book.
A paper read on Monday 15 March 2004 The story I am about to unfold is mainly about the formation of Craft Lodges and their activities. I will be throwing lots of dates at you, not that I am expecting to remember them, but only as a guide to the chronological progress that was developing in Freemasonry at Peterborough.
As no Minute Books exist, local historians are convinced
that this earliest Saint Peter's Lodge was set up in the Angel Hotel,
by soldiers billeted there, who were in charge of the French prisoners
of war, captured during the Napoleonic Wars, who were held at the
hotel from time to time, or at Norman Cross. The lodge operated under
a temporary warrant, number 160B in the register of the 'Ancients',
which was possibly issued during the 1790s. It is likely that some
French army officers would have attended the Lodge, wearing jewels
carved from animal bone, which had been made by the French prisoners.
Our own Masonic Museum once had Norman Cross
This lodge had in its possession an old warrant number 160, issued to another lodge in Norwich on 22 March 1769, but had been given up on 22 September 1791, as this lodge had transferred to the Moderns in the following year.